Thank you Finnish Medical Foundation!

We would like to warmly thank the The Finnish Medical Foundation for supporting our research at the intersection of cardiovascular health, metabolomics, and metagenomics! The grant enables us to study the potential causal pathways between circulating metabolic measures, gut microbiota, and coronary artery disease.


Postdoctoral visit with the Inouye Lab

Excited to start the University of Turku postdoc with a half-year research visit in the Inouye Lab at the University of Cambridge. The research plan include multiomics analyses to study the role of gut microbiota, circulating metabolite and metbolic measures in the context of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Heart and Lung Research Institute

Talal Zein Award

I humbly thank ESH Awards Committee for awarding us the Talal Zein Award for our e-poster presentation on “Comprehensive Biomarker Profiling of Hypertension In 36,985 Finnish Individuals” submitted for the ESH 2022 Annual Meeting on June 17 - 20, 2022 in Athens. The Talal Zein Foundation has established the Talal Zein Award to be presented annually to a distinguished scientist or group of scientists in recognition of their outstanding work related to the basic science, epidemiology, pathophysiology or therapy of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. [Read More]

Randomness in Python set-structure

I recently investigated our analysis code for the source of unwanted randomness. The culprit turned out to be the set-datatype in Python. For example, running following code produces varying order of the items between different runs: idList = [ "ID" + str(i) for i in range(10) ] idSet = set(idList) print(idSet) I asked the question in StackOverflow and in a few minutes jonrsharpe kindly pointed out the source of the randomness. [Read More]

[Finnish] Suoliston mikrobit ja terveys -luennot tiedekeskus Heurekassa

Pidimme tiedekeskus Heurekassa lyhyitä, yleistajuisia esityksiä suolistomikrobien vaikutuksista ihmisen terveyteen. Oma esitykseni käsitteli suolistobakteerien yhteyttä verenpainetautiin hiljattain julkaistun artikkelimme tuloksien valossa (Palmu et al. 2020). Ohessa linkki esitysdioihini. THL toteutti tilaisuuden yhteistyössä Turun ja Helsingin yliopistojen sekä tiedekeskus Heurekan kanssa.

Osa luennoiduista aiheista saatetaan esittää vielä joulukuussa toisen kerran.

Vaikuttavatko suolen mikrobit verenpaineeseen?

Open access illustrations of LC-MS and NMR

While search engines can find multiple illustrations about the principles of liquid choromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry, few have been published under public copyright licenses. Using freely available source material and, in particular, resources provided by StackExchange, I drew a few tikz-figures under CC BY-SA 4.0 with freely available source code. The files are available at Github and archived in Zenodo.

Illustration for liquid chromatography


Thank you Paavo Nurmi Foundation!

I would like to warmly thank the Paavo Nurmi Foundation for supporting my PhD studies. Due to the admitted grant, we are currently preparing a manuscript about metabolic profile (1H-NMR) of hypertension in large Finnish population cohorts FINRISK, HEALTH, and FINHEALTH.


A few great statistics books

I was recently surprised to find my favorite statistical books featured in a 2017 blog post by Peter Ellis. I would therefore like to pass along this post and, in particular, three of the books for the possible benefit of individuals interested in statistics and R-language. Modern Applied Statistics with S by Venables and Ripley goes through the main statistic methods in the framework of R-language. Regression Modeling Strategies by Harrell is an excellent resource to learn basic biomedical inference and avoid common pitfalls. [Read More]
r  books 

The association between hypertension and gut microbiota

In our recent publication in JAHA, we studied the gut microbial composition of 6953 participants of FINRISK 2002. While most of the associations were weak, individuals with hypertension demonstrated changes in several microbial genera and, in particular, Lactobacillus spp. Further study is required to assess the clinical significance of the findings.

Quantifying image blurriness using cv2.Laplacian

Designing personalized photo books is a great activity for dark winter evenings. One change introduced by digital photography is the number of snaps taken in every photo opportunity, and in total. Because sharing photos takes likewise less effort than in paper photo time, the photo book project could easily start with folders containing thousands of photos. However, not all the snaps are worth keeping. As in information era in general, some smart person usually has already found a solution for the problem. [Read More]